The Cultivert application makes it possible to develop strategies for establishing cover crops according to specific objectives: to explore and integrate new "companion plant-commercial crop" combinations into field crop rotations in order to promote better soil structure, nitrogen supply or better use of fertilizer inputs, for example, using numerous scenarios identified by the Agrinova team. These scenarios come from tests carried out in Chaudière-Appalaches and from scientific consultation.Our efforts are aimed at providing field crop producers and agro-environmental stakeholders in the Chaudière-Appalaches region with a reliable and knowledge-rich tool to assist in decision-making in the choice of cover crops.The development of Cultivert was carried out by a collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec (MAPAQ), Agrinova (college center for transfer and technology in agriculture) and CIMMI (Center for imaging digital and interactive media).